For all returns, please email to get authorization including a number.
We guarantee our product to be 100% authentic and free of major manufacturing flaws. For flawed items, please inform us within 14 days and we will refund your order or replace the product free of charge once it is back at our warehouse and we have confirmed the flaw is the fault of AJ Sports. Shipping refunds will not exceed the amount charged for the original shipment of the item.
For missing or damaged items, please retain all original packaging materials, as these may be required in satisfying any claims with the carrier.
If you receive your product in good condition but simply decide to return it, we may be able to accept it back within 21 days. The customer is responsible for all associated shipping costs. Items may be exchanged for credit. For refunds a 20% re-stocking fee will be charged. No unauthorized returns will be accepted. In the case of a return of an unwanted product, the item must be received in the exact condition that it originally left our warehouse in for us to offer the credit or refund.
- No returns or exchanges on any custom orders.
- No returns or exchanges on items sent in or ordered for a signing event.
- No returns or exchanges for sealed card boxes, treasure chests or mystery boxes.
- For returns from customers outside of Canada, any fees to import to Canada will be billed back to the customer.
- AJ Sports reserves the right of refusal on any order.